(Moulton, AL), (November 29, 2021) – Each year the Lawrence County Public Library loses books. Some, of course, are legitimately lost and will never be recovered. The vast majority, however, are still in the possession of the original borrower and could be returned if the borrower made a small effort.
What makes these losses especially difficult to bear is their effect on other borrowers. Imagine the frustration of a patron who desperately needs a particular volume to complete a project or some research but finds that week after week the necessary book is, according to library records, checked out. And, at a time when book costs are spiraling upwards, replacing a lost or missing book can often be far more than the original purchase price.
To remove at least one of the barriers to returning an overdue library item, the Lawrence County Public Library borrowers are encouraged to return their overdue books and library materials without penalty or fine, excluding the $12 agency fee -- if applicable, during an amnesty to be held Monday, December 13th through Friday, December 17th at 2:30 p.m.. Materials returned need to be in good condition, but no questions will be asked nor fines charged with the exception of the $12 agency fee, if applicable.
The LCPL retained the services of Unique Management Services in October 2017 for material recovery on items either overdue 30 days or fines/fees older than 29 days. The library is unable to waive the $12 agency fee for these accounts.
The theme of the amnesty is Share the Thrill. Return the Books! Overdue materials can be returned to the library at 401 College Street.
The purpose of the amnesty is to promote the return of needed Library materials and the increased use of the Library. The amnesty does not include overdue fines still on record from previously returned materials.
For more information on the library overdue materials amnesty, please call 256.974.0883.