Download formatted PDF version of draft minutes below:
Board of Trustees Meeting
Tuesday, October 14, 2021
3:30 pm Moulton, Alabama
a. Meeting called to order at 3:32 p.m. by Katie Yarbrough, Chair
a. Present: Katie Yarbrough, Leah Hembree, Debbie Bowerman, & Petrina Boling-Davis
b. District 2 vacant
c. Also present: Rex Bain, Library Director
a. Read/Approve Minutes
i. Motion to approve by Bowerman and seconded by Hembree
ii. Motion approved unanimously
b. Next meeting date scheduled for Feb 10th @ 3:30 p.m.
i. Depends on Gov. Ivey’s State of Emergency order whether this will be an in-person or virtual meeting.
c. Secretary-Treasurer Report
d. Director’s Report
i. Financial Review
III. Bank Balances as of 8/23/2021
Account Balance
Comp Ck 0001 $ 7,247.35
Business Savings $ 1,013.44
NPer MMA 0002 $ 67,972.13
Total $ 76,232.92
ii. Door Counter
iii. Stats
iv. Grants
III. United Way 2022
IV. LSTA 2022
a. $45,000 approved for RFID Technology
b. Will require a local match of $11,250
c. Total grant expenditures of $56,250
v. Director vacation
III. Director tentatively scheduled for vacation Oct 22 – 27
a. Grant funding for Jamex Coin Machine – Tabled
i. Left on the table
b. APLS Required Training:
i. No action taken as this was provided as information
c. COVID-19/Pandemic Planning
i. No current changes to library’s pandemic plans made.
ii. Bain noted a waiver will have to be filed with APLS regarding operating hours under the pandemic schedule
iii. Motion made by Bowerman to allow Board Chair and Director to adjust pandemic-related operations if necessary until Feb. board meeting.
III. Seconded by Hembree
IV. Motion carried unanimously.
d. Update on District 2 board member recruitment
i. Boling-Davis is reaching out to a person she knows in District 2 who might have an interest in serving on the board.
e. Memorial Trees
i. Bain informed he was advised the owner of the original landscaping company he had contacted for this project has had a case of lime disease.
ii. Due to not knowing the status of the landscaping company, Bain reached out to another landscaping company and is waiting to hear back.
a. Motion needed for accounting purposes on carrying money forward from previous fiscal year to current year.
i. Motion made by Hembree and seconded by Bowerman
ii. Motion passed unanimously
b. FY2022 Budget amendment
i. Motion made by Hembree and seconded by Bowerman to amend FY2022 salary budget to include a 3% COLA for employees with the exception of the most recent hire.
ii. Bain noted while worthy of the adjustment, the most recent hire has not been employed for three months at present.
iii. Motion passed unanimously
c. Commission Funding
i. As the Lawrence County Commission approved the libraries FY2022 funding request, a motion was made by Bowerman and seconded by Hembree to purchase a book sanitizing system that was not budgeted for FY2022
ii. Motion approved unanimously
d. Approved budget requires library to shut down operations 4 weeks out of the calendar year (No action required as budget shutdown is budgeted)
i. Week 1: Nov 22 – 26
ii. Week 2 & 3: Dec 20 – Dec 31
iii. Week 4: May 30 – Jun 3
iv. No action taken as these shutdowns were approved during the budgeting process.
e. Motion made to declare Amnesty Week the week prior to library’s Christmas closure.
i. Motion made by Bowerman and seconded by Hembree
ii. Motion passed unanimously
f. Motion made to approve library providing Christmas lunch for staff or purchasing staff gifts if there are pandemic concerns
i. Motion made by Bowerman, and seconded by Boling-Davis
ii. Discussion included gift cards as a possible gift option for staff.
iii. Motion passed unanimously
g. February is the Annual meeting
i. Officer elections
ii. Annual report
iii. No action taken as this was provided as information
h. LSTA Project
i. RFP approval
III. Motion to approve made by Bowerman and seconded by Hembree
IV. Discussion included Bowerman and Bain further discussing issues to address after the meeting.
ii. Selection committee
III. Motion made by Hembree to appoint Bowerman, Bain, and one key library employee as the selection committee.
a. Bain advised he would appoint library employee Lydia Ellis
IV. Motion seconded by Bowerman
V. Motion passed unanimously
iii. Project scheduling
III. Bain advised project scheduling would be difficult at this point until the proposals are submitted from the vendors
a. Bain advised his plans/goals are to:
i. Distribute the RFP next week
ii. Set a timeframe of 45 days for proposal submission
iii. Set a mandatory site visit date within the 45 day window (sooner rather than later)
iv. Estimates the submission deadline would mean receiving the proposals shortly after Thanksgiving Closure
v. Open proposals on the designated day
1. Preferably the business day following the submission deadline pending Ellis’ work schedule and Bowerman’s availability
2. Bain advised he wants one other person present, preferably the entire committee, when the proposals are opened
vi. Would like the committee to make the selection before Christmas break
1. The RFP does state the library will make a decision within 90 days from opening the proposals
2. Bain left that in the RFP in case there are any unexpected pandemic closures
vii. Would like the project to physically begin no later than February
viii. Drop dead completing date and having all paperwork in hand is 6/15/2021 as any reimbursements from the State must be postmarked that day, but Bain wants to provide an earlier deadline so the library does not run into any last minute issues
1. Would like the project completed in May
VI. PUBLIC COMMENT (Not Recordable; 5 minute limit)
a. None
a. Meeting adjourned at 5:03 p.m. by Yarbrough